Desolation Sound

Secret Cove
Secret Cove
LOCATED ABOUT HALF WAY BETWEEN THE SECHELT AND PENDER HARBOUR and on the way to Desolation Sound and Princess Louisa Inlet.
THE TIMELESS SLOW PACE & FRIENDLY PEOPLE Tie up to the dock and wander ashore, stroll through the park, stock up at the Bathgate General Store or  baked goods from...
Desolation Sound Catamaran
Desolation Sound
A maze of excellent anchorages, soaring mountain ranges ,cascading waterfalls and abundant wildlife make this arguably one of the most outstanding cruising areas on this planet. Snow capped peaks of...
Princess Louisa National Park
Princess Louisa National Park
ONE OF THE TOP 10 SAILING DESTINATIONS IN THE WORLD! There are no words to describe the emotion as you sail into Princess Louisa Inlet. Your eagle eye catches an...
Hardy Island
Hardy Island
HARDY ISLAND A great stop over for a well earned break  from a long haul back from Princess Louisa National Park.  It is located at the end of the Jervis...
COASTAL ACTIVITY HUB Dream and relax on the ocean while devouring the expansive vistas across the Straights of Georgia. Gaze at the snow capped mountains as the sun warms your...
Prideaux Haven
Prideaux Haven is one of the 3 most popular anchorages in Desolation Sound; yet also one of the largest.  The scenery and protection from all wind directions coupled with good...
Gorge Harbour lies at the entrance of Desolation Sound.
Discovery Islands Group
The main islands that make up the chain of the Discovery Islands group are Quadra Island, Cortes Island, the Outer Islands (East and West Thurlow Islands), Sonora Island, Stuart Island,...
VISIT THE CHARMING SEASIDE VILLAGE Surrounded by a beautiful valley, and the largest glacier on Vancouver Island, the charming seaside village of Comox is located on the peninsula in the...
Lasqueti Island
Lasqueti Island
A QUAINT AND ECCENTRIC LITTLE COMMUNITY The island lies south west of Texada Island and a short distance across the Salish Sea to the east coast of Vancouver Island.  The...
Schooner Cove
Schooner Cove
A SEMI-RURAL PARADISE Nanoose Bay is a semi-rural paradise. Brickyard Cove, Notch Hill Park, Schooner Cove Marina and the gorgeous Fairwinds Golf Course offer fishing, hiking, sailing and of course,...
Vancouver Island – Nanaimo
YOUR START TO A GREAT CRUISING VACATION: Nanaimo, Vancouver Islands 2nd largest city, is located on the unceded lands of the Snuneymuxw First Nation (pronounced Snuh-NAY-mow).It is also known as the Harbour City
Nanaimo Yacht Charters & Sailing School Ltd
1690 Stewart Ave Nanaimo BC BC Canada V9S 4E1
1-250-754-8601 / 1-877-754-8601 Start Price 1000 CAD
Nanaimo Yacht Charters & Sailing School Ltd
1690 Stewart Ave Nanaimo BC BC Canada V9S 4E1
1-250-754-8601 / 1-877-754-8601

Nanaimo Yacht Charters & Sailing School Ltd.
1690 Stewart Ave Nanaimo BC, Canada V9S 4E1

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