Nav station – always know where you are at_5437434272_l
Previously we touched on some navigational terms and elements that are fundamental sailing school skills as part of learning about navigation. This time we are going to look at what is actually involved in doing a sailing course on Coastal Navigation. There is no prerequisite required before you do this course and it is of great benefit to everyone who operated a sail boat, power boat or even a kayak, as essentially if you play on the water you need
to know how to read a chart, how to determine your position and how to use the Tide and Currents table to ensure your and your crew’s safety.
The coastal navigation course teaches you sailing school skills that ensure safe and successful navigation along coastal waters, an essential sailing school skill for sailing around the beautiful coastal waters off Vancouver island. If you were to complete the Coastal Navigation course, then this will give you the confidence and skills required to safely navigate your way through challenging conditions, changing tides and current, and shallow water.
International Sail & Power Association or CYA Theory Certification
The first part of the course is theory and normally involves home based study working through the workbook manual. The manual contains exercises at the end of each chapter or module which you will work through at home. It also includes chart work as part of the studying.
If you were to do your course with us here at Nanaimo then we provide you with the workbook and chart, a Bretton/Portland Plotter and Chart 1.
The topics that you will cover as part of this theory based course include;
The meanings of chart symbols, terms and abbreviations used.
Sailing directions
How to read and understand Tide and current tables
The regulations surrounding Collisions.
Radio Aids to marine navigation
Understanding of basic navigational terms
The terms and significance of colours, lights and lighted aids with regards to the Navigation system.
International Sail & Power Association or CYA Practical Certification
After the coursework and theory based learning has been completed then if you continue with your course here with us at Nanaimo yacht charter, then a morning of instruction is part 2 of the course. This instruction will either be classroom or water based and on completion of this section of the course you will then be awarded your certification.
If you want your Coastal Navigation course to be recognised by CYA, then a written exam will form part of the testing process and a pass mark of 85% is required in order to complete certification.
Alternatively if you are doing an intermediate or day skipper course then the practical aspect of the course will be completed as part of the course.
It is worth noting that it is a prerequisite to the CYA Advanced Cruising standard and for bareboat chartering and for attaining the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) for sailing and bareboating in Europe and the Mediterranean.