This gem of an anchorage is located in the middle of Decourcy Island. It is a small anchorage which would normally necessitate a stern tie to the shore. Despite this it is well worth a visit. Conveniently located at the north end of the Gulf islands, it is a popular waiting spot for transiting “Dodds Narrows” as it is only 6 nautical miles from the Narrows.
The entrance to Pirates Cove at low tide is 1.6 metres so for deeper draft boats consult your “Ports and Passes” tide book to ensure there is plenty of water when transiting the entrance.
It has an interesting history and was home to a sect that took up residence for the duration of the Vietnam war. Pirates Cove and a considerable amount of surrounding land is a provincial Marine Park. There are two coves in the park, and by far the most popular with recreation boaters is the ‘U’-shaped bay facing the northwest.
Visit decourcyisland.com/pirates-cove-marine-park for more information on the provincial park