One of the most necessary, but odious jobs, you should do as an owner of a yacht in Vancouver or anywhere for that matter! Is the annual anti-fouling of your yacht.
It’s a very important winter maintenance job that will give your yacht excellent protection against fouling that can take hold on your hull. If left then this fouling can cause you lots of ongoing maintenance problems, not to mention a fall in the boats performance, safety and hull structure! Sound harsh? Well by being prepared and anti-fouling your boat regularly you can give it the best protection for the next sailing season. Here’s how…
Your yacht needs to be out of the water and a thorough check of the hull performed, looking for any damage such as blistering paint or cracking. Once any damage is repaired then the hull will need to be sanded (keyed) and primed ready for the first coat of anti-fouling paint. The paint, is a specialized formulation of water-soluble bio-active ingredients and compounds, which will slow the formation and growth of marine organisms like algae and barnacles.
It is well worth following the manufacturers guidelines on how to apply the anti-foul paint and the number of coats required.
So rest assured that once the job’s done, you have given your yacht the best protection it can have ready for a great new season out on the water!